Research updates:
About him:
“In 2018, I completed my BEng. in Mechanical Engineering at Quaid-e-Awam University of Engineering, Science, and Technology, Pakistan. Afterward, I am awarded a Chinese Government Scholarship to pursue my master’s degree in Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics at Jiangsu University, China. During MSc. studies, my project was focused on understanding the dynamic behavior of droplet impact on different micro-pillar textured surfaces. I also worked on a project in which I developed different superhydrophobic/anti-icing coatings by using various fabrication techniques (chemical, electrodeposition, plasma, and laser methods) on metals and alloy surfaces. Both the projects have provided me a better understanding of the micro/nanostructured surfaces, material characterization, and droplet impact dynamics. In January 2022, I have started the SURFICE project. Currently, I’m pursuing my PhD under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Ilia Roisman in Mechanical Engineering at the key Institute for Fluid Mechanics and Aerodynamics (SLA) in the Technical University of Darmstadt (TU Darmstadt). My PhD project aims to find out the effects of substrates with different wettability and roughness on the ice adhesion force. My previous hands-on experience in superhydrophobic/anti-icing coatings, material characterization, fluid mechanics, and droplet impact dynamics is very beneficial to execute this project and get the best possible results. Through this project, I will be able to enhance my knowledge in icephobic coatings and get industrial exposure, which will further help me to grow in this field and make a great contribution to the aerospace industry” |
Project goals:
Only limited empirical and in many cases contradicting data are currently available on the dependence of ice adhesion on the material and morphological properties of substrates. A better understanding of the adhesion physics and predictive models developed in this task is required to enable a rational design of low-adhesion surfaces for active anti-icing systems.
The objectives of the project include: i) design and set-up two complementary experimental techniques to measure ice adhesion force in tensile and shear mode on model substrates of different wettability and roughness; ii) validate the ice adhesion models developed in WP2 and iii) propose a best practice for ice adhesion testing in icing wind tunnels
The ESR will be responsible for the design of the experiments and their conducting in the aim to determine the influence of the value of the adhesion forces will be measured for surfaces with various surface energies and morphologies, thermal and mechanical properties, and atmospheric conditions. The expected results include: (i) setup of ice adhesion test rigs, (ii) design of experiments completed to identify the most relevant experimental parameters (material properties and icing conditions), (iii) ice adhesion test results on a variety of icephobic surfaces and in representative icing conditions, (iv) cross-correlations established among relevant operating and system parameters, validation of physical and numerical models completed.